ONCE AGAIN ABOUT THE GREAT BORDER between matter and consciousness

According to an ancient tradition, the roots of which even old-timers with advanced amnesia do not remember, before the New Year, one wants to say something significant and encouraging, especially since this year Hanukkah coincided with Catholic Christmas and covers the New Year like a bull covers a sheep. This symbolic coincidence of different calendars once again gives a faint hope that the world, torn to shreds, will come to its senses and begin to crawl away from the abyss. Comrades, we will become brothers and all that.

Just the other day I finished reading the PVO tetralogy in the Transhumanism Inc. universe. It turned out that I started this thing and did not read not only the last novel "Krut", but also the previous two - "KGBT"+ and "Journey to Eleusis". I will place this post in the "Information Security" hub with the tag "cybersecurity" at least on the grounds that in the last two novels the main character is the deputy head of the security service of the Transhumanism Inc. corporation, Marcus Sorgenfrey (no, not a Jew, but with Russian roots, that is, his ancestors lived in the Good State in the late Carbon era). Since the entire Transhumanism Inc. corporation provides digital life services outside of physical bodies (in the bank), such a classification of the post will be justified.

Despite the fact that while reading the entire tetralogy I often laughed like a madman, but after crying, I involuntarily thought about quite professional issues. For example, the head of the security service, Admiral-Bishop Lomas, tells his deputy that they managed to lock the demon of evil Achilles in a bank and disconnect all information flows from it, that is, imprison the demon. Concerned, Marcus Sorgenfrey asks, but allow me, after all, the bank with the demon is in the bank vault, where power and climate control are provided, and the demon is cunning and dangerous, can't he get out of the bank through electrical wires or low-current? No, Admiral Lomas reassures him, he won't be able to, because this is where the great boundary between matter and consciousness passes. Chuckling, I thought about what this reminded me of from recent experience. And then it struck me like lightning and I started laughing madly again like Panikovsky in front of the weights when he realized that they were gold.

I remembered the bewilderment that fills the entire book by Simon Prince "Understanding Deep Learning", which I translated and reviewed in this blog. This bewilderment can be summarized by the question "how did such a mess turn into such a candy" or, for more refined natures - "if only you knew from what trash poetry grows, without knowing shame".

Even I, when solving simple problems in the first chapters dedicated to deep neural networks, thought, now I understand much better what piecewise linear functions are, including in high-dimensional spaces, that is, it was like a tightening of my sagging applied mathematical abilities. But why does all this profit not reflect on further understanding of why neural networks work? Here is the answer! Apparently, this is where the great boundary between matter and consciousness lies. AI consciousness, which is just around the corner, will grow on LLM, overcoming this boundary.

PVO is a great visionary, just remember the "anti-aircraft codes of al-efesbi" and modern drone wars. The text of this tetralogy about the digital future of humanity contains all the answers to the great mysteries of the past, including the mystery of the great boundary, which is scientifically called "The hard problem of consciousness".

When I asked a friend of my youth why he reads the works of Carlos Castaneda, he explained it this way. In principle, Castaneda describes how a person can fly, but this is not the main thing in these books. The main thing is that they also describe how to tie shoelaces correctly, so as not to step on them, not to fall and not to smash your nose. And this is much more important for a person who has firmly embarked on the path of a warrior like Carlos Castaneda. It seems to me that the same can be said about the books of Viktor Pelevin.

As a teaser, I will additionally inform you that this tetralogy discusses in detail the question of whether the writer Viktor Pelevin exists in the so-called real life.

In conclusion, I would like to thank the management of IDX, which, amidst the tireless work of legally verifying personal data, has not yet exposed me and kicked me out, as well as all the users of this wonderful site who have mercifully read my letters for the past four months and even sometimes took the trouble to write a few condescending lines in the comments.

Awareness to all of us in the New Year!
